Fujifilm LTO 8 Tapes
High Storage Capacity of 12TB and up to 30 TB compressed capacity.
Supports transfer speeds of 360 MB/s (native), 900 MB/s (2.5:1) with Generation 8
Barium Ferrite (BaFe) technology
Support for tape drive hardware encryption
Compatible with Linear Tape File System (LTFS)
Simplified tape path to reduce wear and tear.
Limited Lifetime Warranty
FREE Barcode service. Labels can be applied when you buy your tapes from ImageStore.
If you have a library or an autoloader and require labels just add your Sequence in the box on the right and let us know if you want them printed Horizontal or Vertical.
£49.41 (£59.29 inc VAT)
SKU: 16551221
FREE Next Day UK delivery on orders over £300
Government Discount - If you are a Council, School, College or University please contact us with your enquiry. You may be liable for an Extra Discount.
Quantity Discounts available - request for a quotation
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Recent developments have caused an exponential increase in the quantity of data generated worldwide. The “cold data” is said to account for over 80% of all data. As the use of accumulated big data rapidly increases, so does the need for reliable and cost effecitve long term storage of such data for future use.
Assuming that 1PB (petabyte) of data increases at a yearly rate of 55%, the total cost incurred to store the data when reaching 52PB over nine years will be less than one sixth of the cost that would be incurred if using HDD (The Clipper group report on July 2015). With the magnetic tape's capability of being managed offline, valuable data can be stored safely and securely with minimum risk for data damage or loss due to system failures, viruses and cyber attacks. The use of magnetic tape is gaining in popularity, especially at major data centers, thanks to its storage capacity, portability, energy efficiency, total cost of ownership and suitability for long-term storage.
Limited Lifetime